
Jersey end of the 27km Normandie 1 subsea power cable was finally pulled up into Jersey Electricity’s Archirondel Termination Station on Monday afternoon’s low tide after beach operations covering three days and five tides.

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The Jersey end of the 27km Normandie 1 subsea power cable was finally pulled up into Jersey Electricity’s Archirondel Termination Station on Monday afternoon’s low tide after beach operations covering three days and five tides.

The Dutch VBMS installation team and local sub-contractors Barette Plant Hire, monitored by JE Engineers, worked through the night on Saturday and Sunday to inch the 650 metres of beached cable, laid in a large loop around two quadrants, up the beach into a straight line for its final approach to the substation.

With around 60 metres to spare after its journey from Surville, Normandy, the cable was cut and positioned ready for connection to the existing substation switch gear by specialist jointers from manufacturers Prysmian.

Work to bury the cable on the beach started today and is expected to take two days to complete. Much complex work remains to be done before the cable is fully connected to the French grid and Jersey’s network ready for commissioning. It is expected in service early in 2017.

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