Two Jendev employees work at a computer in the Jendev offices.

An introduction to Jendev

Jendev specialises in the utility industry, with business solutions based on Microsoft® DynamicsTM NAV. The highly experienced team provides a wide range of quality services to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of business systems.

Cogs Background illustration
Man searches on a laptop whilst sat at the kitchen table.

Our main focus - Jenworks

Jendev's primary product, Jenworks, is a multi-utility billing engine, fully integrated into Microsoft® DynamicsTM NAV, that supports any combination of electricity, gas, water, wastewater and trade effluent together with other local government services such as refuse collection, periodic licenses etc.

  • Jenworks Billing
  • Jenworks CRM

Bespoke projects

Having this highly skilled team within the Group's portfolio allows Jersey Electricity to respond quickly to new businesses challenges and opportunities as they emerge.

Some of our recent bespoke projects include:

  • SmartSwitch Smart Metering roll-out
  • Pay As You Go Metering online payment portal
  • Jersey Electricity customer App

Contact Jendev

Use the contact methods below to speak to the Jendev team.

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Call the Jendev team on +44 (0) 1534 505350.

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Email the Jendev team on

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