The site, which will continue to be used for agriculture when the solar array is installed, is a positive step in increasing Jersey’s energy independence and diversifying our energy mix to include locally generated renewables.  

JE’s application for Rue du Moulin à Vent in St. Clement takes environmental considerations heavily into account, with minimal impact on the surrounding environment and local habitats.  

Enhancing and preserving the environment for the benefit of us all is a vital aspect of any of JE’s solar projects.  

When it is ready, the installation will generate enough power for nearly 650 fully electric homes.  

As we work to deliver a diversified energy mix and increase on-Island renewables, we partner with several local businesses. IPV Flexgen and KE Planning have played an important role in helping Jersey Electricity to develop plans for the site in St Clement.  

We are confident that ground-mounted solar projects can work alongside roof-top solar arrays to help all Islanders benefit from locally generated renewable energy direct from the grid.