Why a sloth?
A good question. Sloths are one of the most energy efficient animals on the planet. But unlike other sloths, Moe doesn’t hang about when it comes to saving energy. Small changes can add up to huge energy savings.
Follow Moe’s tips and you could save over £300* per year. Now that’s smart.
Join our energy hero and #SaveLikeMoe.
Moe knows how to help you save
Top of the tree tips
The three most important things you can do help you save energy are:

Know your tariff
Make sure you’re on the right tariff. You don’t have to be a slooth (get it?) to understand your tariff, find out more or talk to our customer care team today.
Find out more on tariffs
Hot Water
Heating your water accounts for a big part of your energy bills, so it's important to choose a system that will provide enough hot water and be efficient.
Water heating systems
A low carbon heating system is a clean and 100% energy efficient way to heat your home. Moe saves up to £100* a year by setting his thermostat to come on during off-peak hours and by turning it down by one degree.
Switch to electric heating
Save energy in your living room
If you’re anything like Moe, your lounge is the cosiest room in your house. Make these tips top of your list:
- Turn off appliances, including TVs and gaming consoles, at the plug rather than leaving them on standby
- Turn off lights when you leave the room
- Install energy saving light bulbs, this could add up to over £50* per year in savings
- Turn your thermostat down by 1°C
- Close your curtains at dusk
- Set your thermostat to come on during off-peak hours (if you are on a tariff with an off-peak rate)
- We offer free advice on how to efficiently use your heating system

Save energy in your kitchen
A creative cooking connoisseur, Moe likes nothing better than getting those leaves nice and crispy. Top tips when you're cooking:
- Air fryers have become very popular and could save you £19* a year on your energy bill
- Use a microwave instead of conventional oven when you can, especially if you’re just reheating food
- Only boil the amount of water you need but always make sure the element in your kettle is covered
- Choose the right sized pan for the hob
- Keep pan lids on when boiling water or heating food, (but don't leave pans unattended)
- Use a steamer to cook several items on one hob
- Make toast in a toaster, not under the grill
- If using a conventional oven, keep the door closed
The way you cook is almost as important as the appliances you cook on. These tips are all about how choosing and using appliances correctly can help you reduce your electricity use:
- Choose kitchen appliances rated A, A+ or A++ for energy efficiency
- Don't place your fridge/freezer next to the cooker or in direct sunlight
- Don't leave the fridge/freezer door open - load and unload quickly
- Don't place hot or still warm food in the fridge - let it cool first

Save energy using other kitchen appliances
With lots of energy to burn off, Moe likes to keep those Sloth Swimmers nice and fresh.
Boilers, dishwashers, washing machines and tumble dryers account for a large amount of household electricity use. Here are some tips to start reducing yours:
- Wash clothes at 30°C or lower
- Washing machines use less energy on one full load than two half loads
- Spin on the highest spin cycle and line dry clothes rather than tumble dry
- Only use a dishwasher's highest temperature for very dirty dishes, set to eco mode and, if your tariff offers cheaper electricity, set a timer to wash during those hours
- Only use dishwashers when full to capacity
- Replace old, inefficient boilers

Save energy when working from home
Moe spends time at his laptop plotting new ways to help us to save energy. You can save energy even when working from home, you can make savings by following these tips:
- Set energy saving sleep mode on your computer to kick in when idle
- Switch your computer off rather than leaving it on standby
- Close your curtains at dusk

Save energy while you sleep
Our resident sloth isn’t your typical sloth who spends all day and night snoozing, but he still likes to conserve energy while resting. Small energy savings can be made in your bedroom by following these simple tips:
- Insulate your window against draughts
- Close curtains at dusk to help keep heat in
- Don't leave lights on when you're not using the room
- Don't leave your TV on standby when you go to sleep
- Switch your duvet thickness in the summer and winter to help regulate your temperature, rather than relying on heating or air conditioning
- Switch your lamps to LED bulbs

Save energy in your bathroom
Moe knows heating your hot water is one of the most energy intensive processes. To start making energy savings, follow these tips:
- Set your immersion cylinder thermostat to 60°C and have a timer fitted
- Make sure your hot water cylinder is lagged with an 80mm insulating jacket
- Take a shower instead of a bath - you can have up to five showers for the cost of one bath
Moe videos
Energy Saving Tips
Learn more energy saving tips by watching these short videos.