By Wednesday evening Jersey Electricity engineers were striving to restore power to the last remaining home out of 206 that lost power due to overhead cable damage caused during the last two days of artic weather
Jersey Electricity engineers are striving to restore power to the last remaining home out of 206 that lost power due to overhead cable damage caused during the last two days of artic weather
The house in St Helier is the last of 14 homes in that were left without power on Tuesday night after teams of engineers, aided by parish officials and TTS, restored supplies to 60 homes scattered among 10 parishes.
The biggest problem the engineers have faced has been accessing fault locations. But with an ease in weather conditions and help from TTS and parishes clearing routes, the repair teams were able to make good progress going into the evening when they were able to restore between 30 and 40 homes.
Jersey Electricity Operations Manager Ian Crawley, who has been co-ordinating the repair teams, said: 'We had some big lines coming back on last night. All the available men were out there. We have had the right people in the right places, but most importantly the weather had finaly turned in our favour.'