
The Stemat Spirit cable-laying vessel safely offloaded 1,875 spare metres of the Normandie 1 (N1) cable for storage in Dordrecht, Rotterdam, yesterday, while the Dutch VMBS installation team continued work here in Jersey preparing the 27km, 100MW cable for the final ‘pull in’ to Jersey Electricity’s Archirondel Termination Station.

Dordrecht offload

The Stemat Spirit cable-laying vessel safely offloaded 1,875 spare metres of the Normandie 1 (N1) cable for storage in Dordrecht, Rotterdam, yesterday, while the Dutch VMBS installation team continued work here in Jersey preparing the 27km, 100MW cable for the final ‘pull in’ to Jersey Electricity’s Archirondel Termination Station.


The work is expected to take place on the low tides tonight and tomorrow afternoon with the aid of a quadrant which will be inched up the beach supporting the cable until it can be released and winched into the station.

Earlier, divers had re-floated the 65 metres of cable that had been laid across St Catherine’s Bay on Monday and re-positioned it in line with the approach to the shoreline.

Rhonda seal pup

The female seal pup, found in seaweed in the bay by Jersey Electricity watchman Tom Glennie and a member of VBMS sub-contractors Barette Plant Hire, Stephen Le Brun, is now being treated at an RSPCA rehabilitation centre in Taunton, Somerset, thanks to a rescue effort by British Divers Marine Life Rescue, the JSPCA, New Era Vetinary Hospital  and Blue Islands. The pup has been named Rhonda by those who cared for her in Jersey.