
The UK Chancellor Philip Hammond last week announced £36 million worth of funding for clean energy innovation being developed within the construction sector.

Within the construction industry new building materials, along with updated building standards, are resulting in energy efficiencies and smarter homes.

Last month a new investment by the UK Government was announced in Swansea. It will help fund a breakthrough clean energy innovation, developing new building materials and coatings which can generate electricity from light and heat.

A Green Foundation

These smart building materials could replace conventional walls, roofs and windows, generating electricity which is stored and released by a smart operating system. They have the potential to power homes, workplaces, schools and hospitals.

Excess electricity could also be sold back to the national grid ensuring energy isn't wasted.

UK's Future in Clean Tech R&D

This investment is part of the UK Government's plan to increase support and spending on energy efficient tech - helping long term to reduce households energy bills, lower the demand for electricity and provide a boost to the UK's economy through new Research & Development initiatives.

Embracing and developing smart technologies is seen as crucial to achieving the UK's targets for carbon reduction. The government's target is to at least halve the energy use of new buildings by 2030.

Bright Future in Greener Homes

As new homes look to get smarter from the outside, current homes can already get smarter from the inside. Our Smarter Living showroom at the Powerhouse provides a range of new tech solutions to help reduce your energy use and increase efficiency around the home - from LED lights to electric smart heaters. 

Come and experience a smarter way to live with our friendly expert team today.