
Derek Vivian helped to install Turbine 7 in the 1970s, and he returned to La Collette Generating Hall with his son Mark Vivian, Jersey Electricity’s Asset Manager, and grandson Maxim Vivian, a JE Jointer, to highlight his work 50 years on.


Derek retired 16 years ago after 40 years of service and has many fond recollections of his time at JE. “I have memories of bringing Mark in to work as a child – health and safety was completely different in the 1970s – so it was very special to come back in now he’s JE’s Asset Manager and Maxim is embarking on an engineering career with JE. It’s a bittersweet moment, knowing that the turbine is going to be decommissioned, having provided electricity for Jersey over many decades - but we rely on cleaner imported energy now,” said Derek.


Mark Vivian said, “Before Turbine 7 is decommissioned, Dad was keen to see it before the demolition works begin. It was a special moment to see Dad in the Generating Hall, sharing his knowledge about his work with me and Maxim, particularly just before Maxim helps to dismantle a significant turbine that Dad built 50 years ago when he was a cable jointer – it’s something I never thought I’d see.


“As part of JE’s 100th anniversary, it is a wonderful opportunity to share these stories with fellow Islanders – JE has offered meaningful careers to many people and Dad certainly inspired me and Maxim to follow in his engineering footsteps.” 

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